How to select the right water welldecember 12 2016To achieve an efficient water well is necessary to choose the filter. Paparelli, historical specialist in screens and tubes for…
Glass beads: origins and useoctober 19 2016Using glass beads for filter pack in water wells is becoming increasingly more accepted since their introduction to the industry in…
november 15 2016The construction process of a water well involves the laying of screens and tubes for filter pack. Paparelli is a company…
Glass beads characteristicsoctober 17 2016Paparelli recently decided to offer its customers a new filtration method for water wells, using glass beads, which offer many advantages…
"Wedge Wire Screens" and alternative usesoctober 14 2016Not only screens but also pieces of fornitures. For this reason Paparelli decided to find an alternative and original use for
Benefits using "Wedge Wire Screens"november 28 2016The "Wedge Wire Screens", referred Paparelli deals by time for the filtration of water wells, they are characterized by a special design, consists…