The 'GEOFLUID Drilling & Foundation' show, which took place from 5 to 8 October at Piacenza Expo, has just concluded and Paparelli, a company specialized in screens and tubes for water wells, participated like every year.
The fair, which took place during the 21st International Exhibition of Technologies and Research Equipment, Extracting and Conveying Underground Fluids, gives each year the opportunity to companies like Paparelli to meet with customers and suppliers that would otherwise be difficult to meet during the rest of the year.
The company, located in Carimate has always partecipated and never skip an edition, to give its customers a clear and strong signal of continuous presence on the market: recently Paparelli decide to expand its catalogue of screens and tubes introducing glass beads for filter pack in water wells.
The company's stand gave the opportunity to those who have participated in the exhibition to see with their own eyes what Paparelli deals: screens and tubes, in particular slotted screen bridge type and spiral screen, like "Wedge Wire Screens".
The company has noted with pleasure the large affluence at the exhibition this year, coming mainly from abroad, where Paparelli hopes to enlarge its market not only of screens and tubes, but also and especially of the glass beads.